Paris Hilton was doing well after spending her first night of her probation sentence in solitary confinement at a Los Angeles County jail, her lawyer said Monday.
Whew. What a relief! I hope the news continues to report on her every single fucking day. And as long as they do, I'll keep you abreast (tiny, of course) as well.
"She's using this time to reflect on her life, to see what she can do to make the world better and hopefully, in my opinion, to change the attitudes that exist about her among many people," attorney Richard A. Hutton told reporters after visiting Hilton.
Make the world a better place? Like stop wars and world hunger? She sounds like a Miss America in the making! I highly doubt anything she does will change my opinion of her, though. To me, she'll always be a clueless, greedy, slutty, rich cunt.