This past October weekend, I made one of my usual visits to my local Starbucks to take a lunch break. I was going to get a hot sandwich, a nice fall-oriented pastry, a tall hot beverage, and sit and read a book to relax. Unfortunately, my "relaxing" lunch turned into one of utter disgust and terror. I had shockingly been made aware that Starbucks was no longer offering ANY of their previous food options because they were now offering ONLY these new La Boulange products. Excuse me? There I stood, staring with a blank look upon my face as I gazed into the glass-covered case. Absolutely NOTHING looked visually appealing. Croissants? Tiny cookies? Cheap-looking glossy pastries? And -- GASP! -- DONUTS? I've seen better things pumped full of high fructose corn syrup in sealed boxes in my local grocery store. Were my eyes deceiving me? Nowhere did I see my favorite fall-time treat, the infamous pumpkin scone. In fact, there weren't ANY scones. There weren't any pumpkin cream cheese muffins. There was no Outrageous Oatmeal Cookie. There were no slices from delicious loaves of bread, pumpkin or otherwise. It was as if the Grinch came two months too soon and took Fall away from me. Then the shock really settled in: With Christmas approaching, this meant there would be NO gingerbread, no Cranberry Bliss Bars, no peppermint brownies!
There was basically nothing "substantial" or "hearty." My lunch was ruined. Not just my appetite, but also my admiration of Starbucks, both as a consumer and a stockholder. I felt betrayed as a Gold Card carrying consumer. Worse, I felt like Starbucks had made the biggest mistake with my investment.
With little hope, I asked the cashier, "Do you not have the pumpkin scones anymore?" No, she sadly replied, trying to be enthusiastic about the new products. "We have donuts! They're really good!" Um, no. I'll pass. For anyone who doesn't know (apparently, that includes the Starbucks executives), donuts and Starbucks do NOT go together. I'm at Starbucks, not Dunkin Donuts. Not Krispy Kreme. STARBUCKS. Let's get that straight. There's a different clientele. And there's a reason for that. The same goes for plain bagels. If I wanted a bagel, I'd be at Einstein Bagels or Panera. She then said they still have blueberry scones left if I'd like that. I agreed, although it wasn't anywhere near what I had my mind (and stomach) set on. I paid for my food and drink purchases and then she informed me that she was wrong and they didn't have any scones left. AT ALL. Probably because that was the only thing that looked remotely appetizing to anyone in the store. She advised that I could pick out any item since I'd already paid. Oh, goody! Which disgusting looking thing should I shove into my mouth? Previously LOVING the pumpkin cream cheese muffin that Starbucks previously carried (and that I previously enjoyed only two weeks prior), I opted for the La Boulange's generic, dry-looking pumpkin cream cheese loaf cake. Visually, it was nowhere near as appealing as their previous muffin, but frankly I didn't have much choice. Then I tasted it. What's French for cardboard? Was it pumpkin? Was there cream cheese? Who knew? I think the paper bag it came in would have tasted the same.
Now let's talk about "heating." Apparently these new pastries from La Boulange must all be heated. Is that to cover up the fact that they're flavorless? Do they think that heating up cardboard makes it taste any better? The old treats never needed to be heated and they tasted fantastic, fresh, and moist. That's why I kept returning to Starbucks for them, either locally or out of town. On vacation, I could always rely on Starbucks' consistent quality as a place for a tasty beverage, a delicious treat, or a hot "fast food" breakfast option when my only other choices would have been a McDonald's or Burger King. Who wants to stand around and wait for their "treat" to be heated each and every time? And, speaking for the Starbucks employees, who has time to heat EVERYTHING up when you have a line of 10 people out the door waiting to place their orders for drinks that are ten sentences long? Ain't nobody got time for that...
Another thing I noticed about the new offerings is that there was nothing "shareable." For me, Starbucks has always been a social gathering place. It was a great place to spend some time with a friend where we could just sit, relax, and talk over hot drinks and a shared treat or two because of their built-in sharing size. The new La Boulange offerings are NOT shareable. They're small, bite-size, and don't lend themselves to that social capability. "Hey--you want to split a mini loaf of bread that tastes like cardboard? Or maybe a sugary glazed reheated donut? Mmmm..." At least with the former slices of bread that Starbucks used to offer, it didn't "feel" like they were previously frozen and thawed. They looked and tasted like they were fresh from the oven. They didn't need La Boulange's new "warming" technique to give them flavor and appeal. That's just a cover-up for bland food.
According to an article I read, Starbucks' CEO Howard Schultz said that only a third of Starbucks' customers purchase food items. I know he hopes that the removal of all Starbucks' past products and adding La Boulange will increase food sales, but I highly doubt it. With the lack of appealing options, that number is going to drop, not increase, starting with me. I will no longer EVER visit Starbucks to purchase food items until this mistake has been reversed. When I go to Starbucks, it will be for drinks only from now on. And by the look of other customers in the store I was just in and comments I've read online, I'm not the only one who feels this way. Congratulations on a poor business decision, Mr. Schultz. What were YOUR kickbacks in this whole deal? Because obviously you did not do a taste test with any of the new food offerings. You just saw dollar signs where there were none. Did you not think your customers and stockholders would rebel? Sign the petition at
I Suffer Fools
Observations, rants, and raves about the entertainment industry, news stories, and plain ol' everyday life.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Monday, November 7, 2011
Dead Weight
I went to the post office to mail an oblong item that weighed 3 pounds. It was something that I had sold on eBay for $20. The postal clerk told me it would cost me $26 to mail it. Are they fucking kidding? Being that it's so freakin' lightweight, I asked why. She said because of its size but lightweight, it's what's known as "dead weight." I laughed. The only thing dead weight around there was the post office itself. No wonder the postal service is going into bankruptcy. Who the fuck wants to mail something for less than the paid for the actual item itself!? Especially when it's so freakin' light?! Give me a break. I'll either try to repackage it smaller or give the eBay buyer a refund. What a rip-off. Bye, bye, USPS!
dead weight,
post office,
postal service,
Monday, October 3, 2011
Abercrombie & Bitch
I ordered a couple of items from the Abercrombie & Fitch website. According to the site, they didn't have everything I wanted in stock. A particular pair of shorts I wanted wasn't offered in a size 32 waist, so I ordered a couple of others that were listed as available in size 32.
After my purchase, I get an email confirmation from A&F letting me know that one pair of shorts would be shipped and the other was out of stock. Three weeks later, I check the site again. They have the shorts I originally wanted again listed in a size 32. I email A&F about it and ask if they were going to fill the rest of my order now that the shorts were apparently back in stock.
My response from their Customer Service department? "Unfortunately, the website has not yet been updated with the information about this item being sold out."
WTF? Three weeks have passed and nobody's updated the website? How lame is that? Is the one person who has access to the site on vacation?
abercrombie and fitch,
customer service,
Friday, June 17, 2011
David Tyree is a Piece of Shit
Asked in a recent interview with an anti-gay group called the National Organization for Marriage about a same-sex marriage bill that recently passed the New York state assembly and awaits approval from state senators, Football Player David Tyree said that "this will be the beginning of our country's sliding towards, you know, it's a strong word, but 'anarchy.' The moment we have it, if you trace back even to other cultures, other countries, that will be the moment where our society and itself, loses its grip with what's right. Marriage is one of those things that is the backbone of society. How can marriage be marriage for thousands of years and now all the sudden because a minority, an influential minority, has a push or agenda ... and totally reshapes something that was not founded in our country," Tyree continued. "You can't teach something that you don't have, so two men will never be able to show a woman how to be a woman."
Hey, Tyree: FUCK YOU. You're a piece of shit. SHIT. There was a time when black people marrying white people was considered wrong and possibly illegal. How would you feel about that being true today? Does that bring "anarchy" as well? Weren't blacks once considered that "minority" of which you speak? Why don't we go back to the days of slavery and see you take a stand then? I bet you'd have a totally different opinion about the civil rights and liberties of others, you piece of shit. I can't wait until it comes out about you cheating on your wife and we get to see how sacred the vow of marriage really is to you. Piece of shit.
From Wikipedia:
From Wikipedia:
Tyree grew up in a one-bedroom house with his mother and two older sisters after his parents divorced. Battled with crack and alcohol addiction from an early age, and in 2004 was arrested for drug possession. Then-girlfriend Leilah became pregnant with their *second* child.Wow. Where do I begin? Raised by a single mother so, according to his beliefs, he wasn't raised as a man. Alcohol. Drugs. Arrested. Sex before marriage. Babies out of wedlock. Great Christian values!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
This morning, at 9:00 a.m., I shipped out an envelope via Fed-Ex overnight service, to arrive sometime during business hours (before 5 p.m.) the next day. It contained two single sheets of paper. I was charged $34. I sincerely the envelope gets to travel First Class, get free drinks, and receive more than just peanuts as a snack.
I could have shipped my suitcase for cheaper. Seriously. WTF? And delivery services wonder why people aren't using them as much. It's not because of technology; it's because of their insane pricing.
next day service,
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Travelocity: Bait and Switch
This morning I opened up my email inbox to find an email from Travelocity that read:
"As one of our valued customers, we’d like to extend you an exclusive offer so that you can save even more on your next trip: GET AN ADDITIONAL 10% OFF our already discounted rates on your next hotel or vacation package booking. Simply use the exclusive promo code on the right at check-out to receive your instant savings."
I was excited to get this, as I was already thinking about using Travelocity to book a vacation package. I went through the entire process of choosing my flights, picking the seats, choosing the hotel, upgrading the room at an additional cost, added the discount code in the email, and finally entered my credit card for payment. I then hit the submit button and received an error message that read, "The promo code you entered is valid for use by Travelocity VIPs only. If you have not been designated a Travelocity VIP, you will not be eligible to receive the discount."
I contacted Travelocity about this and received a response a couple of hours later that read, "We would like to inform you that the promo code is valid for all Travelocity VIP customers. Per our record we see that your profile is not listed below VIP list."
Nice. What's that about? They sent me a code to use and then tell me I can't because I'm not on their special fucking list? Because I don't belong to their special club? How elitist and ridiculous is that? I've always used and preferred Travelocity over other travel sites, but now I'm done. Someone else can have my $1000 for my upcoming weekend trip (and any future ones). Fuck Travelocity.
"As one of our valued customers, we’d like to extend you an exclusive offer so that you can save even more on your next trip: GET AN ADDITIONAL 10% OFF our already discounted rates on your next hotel or vacation package booking. Simply use the exclusive promo code on the right at check-out to receive your instant savings."
I was excited to get this, as I was already thinking about using Travelocity to book a vacation package. I went through the entire process of choosing my flights, picking the seats, choosing the hotel, upgrading the room at an additional cost, added the discount code in the email, and finally entered my credit card for payment. I then hit the submit button and received an error message that read, "The promo code you entered is valid for use by Travelocity VIPs only. If you have not been designated a Travelocity VIP, you will not be eligible to receive the discount."
I contacted Travelocity about this and received a response a couple of hours later that read, "We would like to inform you that the promo code is valid for all Travelocity VIP customers. Per our record we see that your profile is not listed below VIP list."
Nice. What's that about? They sent me a code to use and then tell me I can't because I'm not on their special fucking list? Because I don't belong to their special club? How elitist and ridiculous is that? I've always used and preferred Travelocity over other travel sites, but now I'm done. Someone else can have my $1000 for my upcoming weekend trip (and any future ones). Fuck Travelocity.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
BP Still Sucks

I don't normally fill up my gas tank at BP, even though it is on my drive home. For one thing, because of my anger over the Gulf oil spill, but I've gotten over that for the most part. Primarily, though, it's a few cents more per gallon than the Shell or Marathon (formerly Texaco) stations on my drive home from work. When BP was hurting for customers, you'd think they would have lowered their prices to compete with neighboring rivals, but no.

I didn't see any "code" on my receipt so I contacted BP via email to see what I had to do. In their response, they told me that after purchasing my gas at the pump, I had to take my receipt INSIDE, hand it to the cashier, and, in return, I would get a code. Now, I ask you: what sort of cardmember benefit is that? I get to pay at the pump AND go inside, doubling my time spent at the gas station? Where's the logic?

british petroleum,
gas prices,
gas stations,
gulf of mexico,
mail-in rebates,
oil spill,
thank you days
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Why Won't "Live Like We're Dying" Die?
Am I the only person who is tired of hearing American Idol's Kris Allen's "Live Like We're Dying" on the radio? When did that song come out? Two years ago? And it's still getting regular airplay? I swear, every time I turn on the radio, that damn song is on. They're only playing and replaying it because he hasn't had another "hit." Am I right? I already feel like I'm dying just listening to it ad nauseum. Please stop the merry-go-round; I want to get off.
american idol,
kris allen,
live like we're dying,
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Gap -- It's What's for Breakfast!

Broken Halo

When I got back home, I searched PetSmart's website for Halo products. Sure enough, there weren't any. I sent an email inquiry to both Halo and PetSmart.
Halo responded first, explaining that Halo products are sold in Canadian PetSmarts, so that was probably why, even though I'm probably about 1000 miles away from the nearest Canadian store.
PetSmart responded later and thanked me in about four or five different ways for writing to them, but never once answered my question:
"Thank you for contacting PetSmart. I appreciate the time you've taken to share your comments about our loudspeaker announcement. We value any feedback that you can provide as it helps us to understand how our guests feel and gives us an excellent opportunity for self-evaluation. Your comments are definitely welcome and they are taken very seriously. I have taken the liberty of forwarding your feedback to the appropriate parties for review. We continue to be committed to providing you and all of our guests with the highest standards of service in this industry. Guests such as yourself are truly important to us, and deserve the best of what we have to offer. If there is anything else we can assist with, please feel free to call the number listed below or just respond to this email. Thank you again for contacting PetSmart. We value your business and look forward to serving you in the future!"
Do you see an actual reply to my inquiry in there? No? Me neither. Maybe it's hidden between all the B.S.
Who's the genius in the PetSmart marketing department who okayed an ad for a product they don't even sell? It all sounds pretty PetDumb to me.
ellen degeneres,
pet food,
pet supermarket,
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