Observations, rants, and raves about the entertainment industry, news stories, and plain ol' everyday life.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Bush this Year
Don't Speak!
STY: Oh...well, if they refuse to speak then by all means, let them go.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Does anyone really believe this will EVER happen? Energy companies and car manufacturers will willingly give up all that profit for the good of the Earth...and its people? And the government (who gets kickbacks from each) will willingly push it through? Doubtful.
David Gest
Florida vs. Same-Sex Marriage
"We believe kids need a mom and a dad, very simply," Stemberger told the AP. "Moms and dads bring something different to the table. Dads are not optional."
Who's talking about kids? I thought we were talking about marriage? Somebody get Jamie Lynn Spears on the phone -- STAT!
Bridging the Gap
...by hiding the young actors from their own country...
Family Values
Of course it is, Jamie Lynn. Of course it is... Thank YOU for showing us the way.
Lynne Spears, already grandmother to Britney's young sons, told the magazine: "I didn't believe it because Jamie Lynn's always been so conscientious. She's never late for her curfew. I was in shock. I mean, this is my 16-year-old baby."
Apparently, they started the dates with sex instead of wasting time with dinner and a movie.
But in a recent interview with The Associated Press, Spears said she had no steady boyfriend. "I kind of just keep my options open," she said. "I have a bunch of friends that I always hang out with, a bunch of guy friends."
"So...although I say that the baby is Casey's, I'm really not sure. It's anyone's guess."
Jamie Lynn plans to raise the baby in her home state of Louisiana — "so it can have a normal family life."
So...you can have a 'normal' family life in Louisiana?
On a similar topic, Lynne Spears, Britney's and Jamie Lynn's mother, was writing a book on family values...only, not so much anymore. "The book is delayed indefinitely. It's delayed, not canceled," a spokesperson for Thomas Nelson, which publishes inspirational books and Bibles. Not that they're turning their backs on the Spears family. "We are standing behind Lynne at this time and understand that she needs time with her family–-we support that," says the spokesperson.
That's great. Just what America needs. Lynne Spears telling everyone how to raise children with 'family values.' Maybe that's what's considered 'normal' in Louisiana. Thank God for the Religious Right to show us "Sinners" the way.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
What the French are up to
She continued, "Burning pee lasts until the ointment is applied..."
Making the irreconcilable reconcilable
Pamela continued, "I didn't want to be rash or anything. Some people get married right away like it totally means nothing. I wasn't like that with my first marriage. Or my second. And I'm not going to be like that with my third, fourth, or fifth. Besides, Rick and I haven't gotten OUR sex tape out on the Internet..."
Award Shows, the Writers Strike Continues...
Reply: All Users
One idiot (a "senior" loan officer) wrote back, copying everyone again, saying, "Just a FYI - You should really think about Bcc emailing all of these email addresses rather than emailing everyone the way you did due to the fact that now everyone’s email address is public to all these people on this email you sent."
So, basically, after chastising the company in front of everyone, he did the same thing. As if that wasn't bad enough, he then sends another email to everyone on the list, saying, "Please understand that a previous email was sent to all of you by me accidentally, I was actually replying just to [the condo company]. Once again my apologies."
Bwahahahaha! What a fucking idiot! He's a senior loan officer for a fucking mortgage company and he just made a fool of himself in front of prospective condo buyers!
Daughtry Rocks!
I thought I'd feel out of place at the concert, like we'd be too "old" or something. The weird thing was that we were out of place...but for a different reason. The auditorium was filled with rednecks. Especially Randy the Redneck behind us (I named him). He was a trucker-type about 45-50, there with his fat wife, and teenage pimply son. I got to hear his renditions of the songs, too, which was an added bonus since Randy can't carry a tune worth shit.
It's Friday, I'm in Love
When the boy was about five months old, a city hall clerk brought the odd name to the attention of a tribunal, which informed the couple of an administrative norm which bars parents from giving "ridiculous or shameful" first names to children. The tribunal said it was protecting the child from being the butt of jokes and added that it believed the name would hinder him from developing "serene interpersonal relationships." The Germano family appealed but lost their case this month and the story was carried on the front page of a national newspaper on Tuesday (not Friday).
ou go, girl! If you want to name your child something stupid because you can't think of anything other than to name the baby after the day on which he was born, then you go right ahead. That's your prerogative. By the way, I hear K-Fed is looking to spread his seed some more. Interested?Madonna Gets Inducted Into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Monday, December 17, 2007
Give me a fucking break... I grew up watching I Love Lucy and Bugs Bunny reruns where they were smoking all the time. Did I turn to smoking? No. It's a bunch of crap. It's pressure from OTHER kids, not movies or TV or whatnot, that make kids start smoking.
He said the company would encourage theater owners to show screen anti-smoking public service announcements, or PSAs, before such films. Iger cautioned, however, that "cigarette smoking is a unique problem and this PSA effort is not a precedent for any other issue." Markey described Disney's commitment as "groundbreaking" and urged other studios to follow suit.
It's "stupid," that's what it is. God forbid there be smoking, but throw in all the sex and violence (and worse, stupid storylines and dialogue!) you want into a film!
Research cited by American Legacy, a nonprofit created out of landmark litigation between the tobacco industry and states attorneys general, shows that 90 percent of all films depict smoking and children with the highest exposure to smoking in movies were nearly three times more likely to start smoking. Tobacco is featured in three-quarters of G, PG and PG-13 rated movies and 90 percent of R-rated movies, the studies showed.
Research cited by the NewsWired Puppy Foundation is that 90 percent of all films suck.
Video Game Ratings
Judge Ronald Whyte, who had previously granted a preliminary injunction against the law, issued a permanent order that also cited conclusions from judges facing similar laws in other states. "At this point, there has been no showing that violent video games as defined in the Act, in the absence of other violent media, cause injury to children," he wrote in his decision. "In addition, the evidence does not establish that video games, because of their interactive nature or otherwise, are any more harmful than violent television, movies, Internet sites or other speech-related exposures. Although some reputable professional individuals and organizations have expressed particular concern about the interactive nature of video games, there is no generally accepted study that supports that concern."
Does this mean we can get rid of the rigid movie ratings, too? Aren't they the same thing?
No, it fucking means "at," you freaks. Who do you think you are, Prince? Just stick with a fucking regular name, okay? When he grows up, what's his email address going to be? @@yahoo.com? I'm sure that's not an acceptable email address and he'll be sadly disappointed. Do you really want him to cry because he can't use his name in his email address? CHING CHONG!
Balls of Fury: the movie
For me, I would like to know exactly what the studio head was thinking when that pitch was made to him.
"It's like a Fight Club...for ping-pong players!" explained the writer.
"Yes...I LOVE IT!" shouted the executive. "I'm greenlighting that right away! Underground ping-pong tournaments? That's never been done before. It'll blow people's minds and they'll pay millions of dollars to see that. Go get it started! Here's $40 million to start. Oh, and be sure to hire one of the worst actors ever: Christopher Walken. Go to it! Hey...pass me another joint on your way out, will ya?"
Lindsay's back!
"People were a lot less blurry..." she continued...
The Secret Tapes of Larry Craig
"Senator Craig, did you have sex in the bathroom with another man?"
"Yes, I did. No...wait...I didn't! I was...um...just reaching for some toilet paper!"
"Senator Craig, are you going to resign?"
"Yes, I am. No...wait...I'm not! Wait...I am! No...I'm not!"
"Senator Craig, are you hypocritical lying fucking idiot?"
"No, I'm not. Wait...I am!"
New Dinosaur
Futalognkosaurus dukei? Why don't they just send him off to school with a big "kick me" sign on his tail?
The Gay Gene Controversy
Um...you're trying to convince the same people who don't believe in evolution and that things just "magically" appeared out of nowhere.
That's right, Bill. There are thousands of your Microsoft employees in India who could answer our phones for us when we can't. And take a message. For a small fee, of course.
TV Study
Are you sure it's not the entire bag of Cheetos they're eating while they watch TV?
News from an Organization AGAINST Gay Men
Coming from the organization that won't accept blood donations in times of need (such as 9/11) from gay men...
Fair Trade
And speaking of fair trades, Caribou is replacing Chairman and CEO Michael J. Coles, who oversaw the growth of the nation's second-largest coffee chain but not of its stock price. A regulatory filing Tuesday said that in six months Coles would get $1.35 million in exchange for agreeing not to sue for "termination without good cause." Coles will stay with the company as a director.
You suck, but we're going to give you $1.35 million dollars of money we don't have because of your crappy work AND we're going to keep you on staff, too. You can shuffle papers, right?
Crazy Woman Names Teddy Bear!
KHARTOUM, Sudan - British teacher Gillian Gibbons was convicted of insulting Islam for letting her pupils name a teddy bear Muhammad and sentenced to 15 days in prison and deportation from Sudan, one of her defense lawyers said Thursday. Ali Mohammed Ajab, of Gibbons' defense team, said she was found guilty of "insulting the faith of Muslims in Sudan" under Article 125 of the Sudanese criminal code, a lighter conviction than the original charge of inciting religious hatred. A charge later confirmed by a judge leaving the closed court session. "It's a very fair verdict, she could have had six months and lashes and a fine, and she only got 15 days and deportation," said Robert Boulos of the Unity High School, confirming there would be no appeal. He noted that she would only spend 10 days in prison, having already served five.
Don't bring her to the U.S.! She'll go crazy and name her dog Jesus or something!
Republicans can SUCK IT (if it's not too earth-friendly for them)
The bill would roll back $13.5 billion in tax breaks enjoyed by the five largest U.S. oil companies with the money to be used for tax incentives for development of renewable energy, including cellulosic ethanol from grasses and wood chips and biodiesel, and to spur energy efficiency programs and conservation."There's nothing in here that's going to lower gas prices in America ... nothing that is going to help American families deal with heating costs this winter ... nothing to increase production," complained Republican leader John Boehner of Ohio.
The centerpiece of the bill is a requirement to boost automobile fuel economy by 40 percent to an industry average of 35 miles per gallon by 2020, the first such increase since 1975, when Congress enacted the federal auto fuel economy requirements. Pelosi garnered enough support to assure passage by working out a deal with Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., a longtime staunch protector of the auto industry. Dingell more than a year ago warned auto executives the tide had turned on fuel economy and it was inevitable that stricter requirements were in the offing. He got some concessions to help the industry in return for his support of the bill.The White House said if Congress passes the bill President Bush will be advised to veto it.
"The bill raises taxes in a way that will increase energy costs facing consumers," the White House said a statement, calling the new taxes on the oil companies unfairly "punitive" to a single industry. The White House also objected to the requirement for electric utilities nationwide to use renewable fuels such as wind and solar to generate 15 percent of their electricity, saying some regions can't comply with such a mandate without higher electricity costs.
Pelosi was determined to get the bill through the House this week with Senate action likely next week before lawmakers depart for the holiday recess. Her decision to insist on including the tax increases on oil companies — costing them $13.5 billion in taxes over 10 years — surprised even some environmentalists and set the stage for a contentious fight in the Senate where Republican leaders have indicated they will try to strip it from the bill.
Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said Thursday an energy bill could pass the Senate, but without the "twin millstones of tax hikes and utility bill increases around its neck."Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada told reporters he will move quickly to take up the bill if it passes the House. When asked about its prospects, Reid said, "I don't know. We're going to try very hard."
I Am Legend (everywhere in Asia but China)
And..."there's not enough lead in it to meet our standards."
the other Baldwin brother
Baldwin was aware of the hearing and contacted his probation officer Thursday to report that he couldn't make it because he was in Canada shooting a movie, said his attorney, Grant Hoagland, adding the message apparently didn't reach the judge. "It was a miscommunication," he said Monday.
That, and the judge didn't believe that the least famous Baldwin brother was actually "making a movie."
Paris Helps Protect the Environment
Translation: "I had my servants change all the light bulbs to energy-safe light bulbs and my daddy is buying me a hybrid car right now."
Hilton told reporters she's looking for a boyfriend and knows exactly what qualities Mr. Right should possess. "Right now I'm single but I am looking for a nice boy," she said. "He should be funny, smart and loyal."
Translation: "Right now I'm single but I am looking for a hot stud," she said. "He should be hung like a horse, not afraid to be filmed during sex, and be able to fuck me into next week."
3-Year-Old Dies In Inflatable Toy Accident
You're right, Rebecca. It should never be the parents' responsibility or whomever you leave in charge of your children. And you definitely shouldn't focus on the ADULTS at the CHILDREN'S PARTY that were jumping around and killed your son. It's not their fault either.